Welcome! This blog was made to showcase the wonderful bunnies that I used to foster with my boyfriend Jack in Leeds. Now we have our own bunnies to look after; Bonnie and Winnie, so the blog will be about them and other bunny related stuff.

Monday 19 May 2014


The blog has reached the next milestone of 2000 views! I'm not sure exactly how many of those are from my other half but a huge thanks to everyone who follows it.

This week is our last of fostering for a while, as soon we will be moving and starting new jobs and finding a new home. The plan is to start fostering again for another rescue. Hopefully it won't take too long to get this sorted as a life without bunnies is no life at all!!

Mr and Mouse have been great foster bunnies. They are so lovely and have helped to relieve the stress of the final month or so of our masters degrees! Only 3 days to go and uni will be over!!

I'm really going to miss giving Mrs Mouse head rubs, and trimming Mr Mouses hair (it's great fun and a nice challenge)!

Obligatory 'Mr Mouse drinking wine' photo

Obligatory 'Mrs Mouse drinking wine' photo

Cute little fluffball

How is this comfy?!

The doorstop bunny. This is his fave place to sit and look grumpy

You did WHAT?!?

Salad tug of war. Mrs Mouse is disgruntled whereas Mr Mouse is happy with this situation

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