Welcome! This blog was made to showcase the wonderful bunnies that I used to foster with my boyfriend Jack in Leeds. Now we have our own bunnies to look after; Bonnie and Winnie, so the blog will be about them and other bunny related stuff.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Bunny Puberty

The curse of bunny puberty struck again last night. Mel and Sue had a massive fight. It was so heartbreaking!

Sue got off worst, with two tiny little nips in her ear and a little scratch. Luckily nothing too bad though. Today the girls seemed to want to be back together, but they can't be trusted until they are snipped. At least we don't have to feel too guilty about them being split up and bonded with their brothers now!

We had to make a make-shift bunny prison for the girls overnight until they could be picked up by Camp Nibble. One of the many advantages of our bunny pen. It's a little small but they still got an individual run around this morning.
Bunny Prison

So sad to have them go. I really loved those little girlies.

We are lucky that our fostering arrangement means we don't have to go a minute without a bunny. Bertie is our latest bun. I'll do a separate post for him in a bit. For now, here are some pictures of Mel and Sue from the last week with them. It has been a great week with them, having been able to spend more time with them now the bedroom is safe. We had to nickname Sue Sue-dini due to a few escapes!

They should be available for adoption at some point during April. They really are amazing and I honestly would have been extremely happy to keep them forever.  Their hormones just got the better of them!

Mel Chilling

The girls cuddling with their Disney pals

Sue and Pascal

Melly discovers the window seat

Melicopter. So cute.

Checking out the outside world

Pre- jumping around like a lunatic

Nom nom breakfast in bed


Mel found a nice spot under the bed to relax

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