Welcome! This blog was made to showcase the wonderful bunnies that I used to foster with my boyfriend Jack in Leeds. Now we have our own bunnies to look after; Bonnie and Winnie, so the blog will be about them and other bunny related stuff.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Bertie Boy and another Yaaaaaaaay!

When I checked the Camp Nibble website yesterday I got a pleasant surprise: Robson and Jerome (and their two brothers Graeme and Aiden) have been reserved for adoption! I'm so happy for them, especially as they were going to be hard to rehome buns (they are wild looking, a group of 4 and fairly shy)!

A part of me is sad as now I know that I will never get to see them again, but I really wish them the best of luck and hope they will be happy.

As for a Bertie update, he's doing great! He's loving his cuddles, we have got him to eat some hay, and he is starting to use just one litterbox (of 3 in a row...we like to call it progress!).

Plus also found some pictures of Mel and Sue from when they were tiny on my camera. I miss them girlies, they were great.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014


Billy, the lovely little nethie we had for only 10 days in January, has been adopted!
We are very happy to know he is being spoilt rotten in his new home.

I've gotta say, you've all missed out with him!

All of our other lovely foster bunnies are still available for adoption, so feel free to check them out.

Billy nomming on some coriander

Monday, 17 March 2014

In love...

I've fallen in love with Bertie!! Last week I was so upset about Mel and Sue going, and was finding it hard to bond with Bertie, especially as he was not litter trained at all and we were constantly cleaning up after him. Plus I was feeling really guilty about not being able to let him out much (you have to keep buns in a small zone until they are used to going in their litter tray in that zone, and then slowly expand).

But now I love him!! He's still being litter trained but he is progressing so much better than we could have imagined. I'm so proud of him. Hopefully by next week he will be properly trained. Now i'm just hoping we can get him eating hay. We ordered a great hay variety pack from The Hay Experts, so I'm looking forward to trying him out on those when it arrives.

What I love so much about him is that he seems to love me! He will very happily sit on my lap for an hour or so whilst I give him a cuddle and nose rub. The sound of his purring just melts my heart! It's lovely watching him fall asleep too. If I try to get him off he comes straight back for more.

I really can't understand why people generally don't like red-eyed bunnies. Bertie is beautiful.

We are used to his size now, and he's not actually big at all.

I hope that he will be rehomed with a lovely little wifey bunny. He needs to be loved and cuddled. He loves attention!
As you can see...lots of cuddles!

What are you doing Bertie?!

Nom nom fresh grass!

Is this hay for me?

Nose rub!

Having a nap on my lap

Watching Cars


More cuddles!

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Big Bertie!

Bertie is our new foster bunny. He is soooooo gorgeous!

He's around 3 years old, and is an albino lop cross. To us he seems massive as so far we have only ever looked after baby bunnies and a Netherlands dwarf!

He's really sweet and I have already totally fallen for him! Can't wait to get to know him better.

Here he is...

Bunny Puberty

The curse of bunny puberty struck again last night. Mel and Sue had a massive fight. It was so heartbreaking!

Sue got off worst, with two tiny little nips in her ear and a little scratch. Luckily nothing too bad though. Today the girls seemed to want to be back together, but they can't be trusted until they are snipped. At least we don't have to feel too guilty about them being split up and bonded with their brothers now!

We had to make a make-shift bunny prison for the girls overnight until they could be picked up by Camp Nibble. One of the many advantages of our bunny pen. It's a little small but they still got an individual run around this morning.
Bunny Prison

So sad to have them go. I really loved those little girlies.

We are lucky that our fostering arrangement means we don't have to go a minute without a bunny. Bertie is our latest bun. I'll do a separate post for him in a bit. For now, here are some pictures of Mel and Sue from the last week with them. It has been a great week with them, having been able to spend more time with them now the bedroom is safe. We had to nickname Sue Sue-dini due to a few escapes!

They should be available for adoption at some point during April. They really are amazing and I honestly would have been extremely happy to keep them forever.  Their hormones just got the better of them!

Mel Chilling

The girls cuddling with their Disney pals

Sue and Pascal

Melly discovers the window seat

Melicopter. So cute.

Checking out the outside world

Pre- jumping around like a lunatic

Nom nom breakfast in bed


Mel found a nice spot under the bed to relax

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Bunny Proofed the Bedroom for Mel and Sue

Yesterday we spent an hour or so bunny-proofing the bedroom. It was probably the best thing that we have done for them, and ourselves. Now they can be let loose around the whole flat.

It's so lovely being able to sit and do our work and have them about! They keep running from room to room, and whizzing around in here. They love the bed too and do lots of little binkies all over it.

It's super hard to get a clear photo of them as they are so active, but this morning they had their breakfast in our bed so I managed to get a few snaps of them staying a little bit still!

Here they are:
